Saving Money With a CD Account
Saving money seems to be a big topic in my repertoire of blog ideas which leads me to the question – are we ever done saving? When is enough enough? Is there a better way to save? Is there a safer way to save? What’s the best mix for one’s savings? The extent of my saving is pretty basic. I throw a few bucks in my savings account every paycheck and feel a proud sense of achievement. “I want to spend this hard earned money but I will refrain. One day I will actually need this money, and when that day comes, I will be ready. I am a very responsible adult.” I’m certainly not knocking this method but I can’t help but think that I could be more proactive in handling my savings.
My credit union is currently offering attractive rates on CD accounts. After researching the pros/cons of CDs, I figured this might be a beneficial next step. The feature I like most about a CD account is that it’s safe and secure. The return is fixed and you can count on your exact yield. This seems like it would greatly help in planning for the future. It sounds cliché, but I like the idea of putting my savings to work.
A CD account is just one tool you could use to enhance your savings mix. How do you “CU” saving? I’d definitely like some tips – please tell us below!