15 Personal Finance Dates for 2021
You’ve got enough to worry about, so we searched for all the important personal financial dates for 2021. Simply scroll through the list, add these dates to your iCalendar or Google Calendar, (maybe set yourself a reminder/alert), and relax knowing you’ll be ready for important days, like when to file FAFSA at the right time or pay your estimated taxes for the year.
January 1st
First Day to Fund Retirement for 2022
The first day of the year is a great opportunity to review how you’re currently saving for retirement and make adjustments.
Want to learn more about planning for retirement? Check out our Planning for Retirement module.
January 15th
4th Quarter 2021 Estimated Tax Payment Due
Self-employed or additional income accrued throughout the year should have 4th quarter taxes filed and paid by January 15th. Visit the IRS website for additional information on self-employment quarterly tax payments.
February 1st
‘Frugal February Challenge’
As you take a deeper dive into your finances for the year, take the month of February to give yourself a personal finance challenges. Frugal February consists of taking two or three regular services or products you typically spend on, and cutting it out of your monthly spending altogether.
If you have ever asked yourself, “Do I really need this?”, the month of February is a great time to find out!
March 31st
Medicare Enrollment Deadline
If you need to apply for Parts A and B, this is the enrollment deadline to have coverage starting in July.
April 15th
Tax Day
The sooner you can get this filed, the better, but April 15th is the deadline for personal income tax filing for 2021 or apply for a tax filing extension.
A lot of changes happened last year with tax filing and claiming dependents, to help keep you organized visit the IRS Tax Tips page and read up on the Child Tax Credit Portal, what taxpayers need to know about using the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator, and more.
April 15th
Last Day to Make 2021 IRA Contribution
If you’re planning on supplementing funds to your traditional or Roth IRA, this is the deadline for all 2021 contributions.
Questions about setting up IRA accounts? Our Together Investment and Retirement Services team can guide you through comprehensive financial planning. You can schedule a free consultation with them today.
April 15th
1st Quarter 2021 Estimated Tax Payment Due
The 2022 1st quarter estimated tax payment due date has not changed and remains to be due on Thursday, April 15th.
Learn more about estimated taxes, like who must pay, how to figure estimated tax, and any penalties for underpayment of estimated tax on the IRS Estimated Tax page.
June 15th
2nd Quarter 2021 Estimated Tax Payment Due
June 30th
Last Day to File for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Headed to college for the fall 2022-spring 2023 school year? Mark June 30th in the calendar as the last day to file for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA—which grants access to federal student loans and grants.
Visit our StudentChoice page to learn more about financial aid and student loan information.
September 15th
3rd Quarter 2021 Estimated Tax Payment Due
Questions about your estimated tax payments? Visit the IRS website.
October 1st
First Day to File FAFSA for 2023-2024 School Year
Filing for FAFSA is now available earlier than ever before. If you plan on attending college for the 2023 school year, you can start filing!
October 15th
Tax Day Extension Deadline
If you filed for an extension at tax time for your personal income taxes, this is the new deadline to file your completed 2021 return.
October 15th
Last Day to Switch 2020 Roth IRA Conversion
If your IRA was transferred from a traditional to Roth IRA in 2021, this is the deadline for undoing the conversion.
December 31st
Last Day to Take Required Minimum Distributions from IRAs
If you meet the age requirement, this is the deadline to take the required annual minimum withdrawal from your qualified retirement account(s).
December 31st
Last Day to Make Charitable Giving for 2022 Taxes
According to current tax laws, you can make charitable donation to any nonprofit organization (501c3) until the last day of the year in order to claim your gift when filing 2021 taxes. Check out some available nonprofit organizations to make a donation.